Treasure Rock Classified Ads

Aww, come know you want one. These little guys are weaned, box trained, raised with a dog and five kids. What other pet will dispose of those pesky rodents, terrorize the dog, chase your cat-hating mother-in-law out of your house, and keep your kids busy for hours?  We'll get one of these little bundles of joy to you right away!333-444-5555



Originlly breed as a faithful companion for hunters, the Golden Retriever is now seen far and wide as the prime choice for families as well.

The ease with which it slips into the family unit, its overwhelming desire to please, its amazingly easy trainability, its sweet and gentle nature, its silly "clown-like" tendencies; these are the trademark qualities of the "Golden".

Self assured and poised, yet ever the puppy inside, the Goldens personality lends itself readily to any situation. Long, quiet moments of serenity, as it lays at your feet in front of the fire, can be instantly followed by precocious bouts of playfulness as it tries to steal the slippers off your feet.

Whether alertly watching over your children at play, or finally giving into the urge to join them, the Golden is always a welcome and appreciated member of your clan.

